************************* ***** PLEASE NOTE : ***** ************************* This project is translated from the French version. Some things might have been missed. Of particular importance -'file' (French) = queue (English) -closing comments were not translated -client is used where customer may be more appropriate -lineup and queue are used almost interchangably Authors : ========= prof. S. Somé (problem description) Anne Bertrand (original) Robin Tropper (original and modification) prof. G. Bochmann (directed refactoring) Description : ============= This program simulates the waiting time and service time at a bank lineup. Very simplistically, a number C of cashiers are serving a number L of lineups. The lineups have priorities. The presented system grants priorities naïvely by their index in the list of lineups. Different service times are arbitrarily given to each client and a different time for paperwork is arbitrarily given to each cahshier. The current simulator supposes only 2 queues (enterprises and individuals). But the system is already capable of handling dynamicly adding and removing lineups. To do so, a cashier must be able to see an UNKNOWN number of lineups each and every time s/he is ready to serve another client BUG : ===== See the file Bank.java for details. If the bug occurs, simply stop the program and restart it. Modelling : =========== -architecture.png : ultra-simple diagram of entities and their relations -overview.png : intuitive survey of the objects and their responsibilities -sequenceService.png : typical sequence (simplified) of actions taken in the use-case "next" (invite the next client). System requirements : ===================== -running only : JRE 1.5 or better with correctly set environment variables -modification : JDK 1.5 or better with your development environment correctly configured. Running it : =========== -no command-line arguments -the 'main' is in Bank.java Modifications : =============== -number of cashiers : in Banque.java -number/priority of lineups : in Bank.java -paperwork time : Cashier.java